Brainvire SMS Extension allows you to conveniently communicate with clients via SMS in SuiteCRM. Both incoming SMS and outgoing SMS are supported in this add-on with just a simple configuration. Other APIs outside of Nexmo, Plivo and Twilio can also be configured.
#5477 - yarn
SuiteCRM 8.6 fresh install. Yarn, Angular CLI, Node all installed according to matrix. Everything works, until I installed your plugin. It installed successfully. After rebuilding databases, when I click on Rebuild SMS Angular Files, it crashed with this message:
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5 months ago
Please take the latest package from store & install it. We have added option to Yarn install and Rebuild SMS Angular Files from Admin Panel in CRM.
This issue is happening as CRM is not able to find Yarn as root user. Can you please let me know as which user 'yarn' is installed?
Please execute the command 'which yarn' as that user and need to add this to the PATH variable.
This can be added to apache configuration or to server environment variable.
To add to apache configuration
restart apache service OR
To add in server environment variable Open the file /etc/environment Add similar to the below , please change the location as you get in the which yarn command result. export PATH="/var/www/html/.nvm/versions/node/v18.20.2/bin :$PATH" execute source /etc/environment restart apache service
Please check with your server team on this. They will help you out.
If you are not able to perform above steps, please let me know we can have a call to fix the issue.
Thank You, Brainvire Team.
5 months ago
Are you able to proceed further. We can have a call to discuss further or you can share CRM details with us in our mail ID [email protected]
Thank you, Brainvire Team.
4 months ago
Are you able to send message. Please let us know if you are still facing any issue. We would be happy to help you
Thank You, Brainvire Team
4 months ago
We are closing the ticket. Please let us know if you want to explore our plugin. We can have a call and we can show you demo.
Thank You, Brainvire Team