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#4606 - Can't remove devices once added / system does not remember devices

Closed Bug? created by jonnie00 2 years ago

Hello, We are trialing your plugin and I believe there is a bug. Firstly, having added the device, it is not remembered when you next login.

If you wish to remove the device, there is no option to do so.

Please can you adviseremove.png

  1. saeed member avatar

    Helfertech Provider

    2 years ago

    Hi Jonathan,

    Can you please make sure cookies are not diabled in browser you are testing this? Could you please also let us know the SuiteCRM version you are using so that we could check on our end?

    For removing device, you need to press ctrl button and click mouse button/cursor on device option i.e. JE DESKTOP.

    Let us know if you any further assistance.

    Thank you.

  2. jonnie00 member avatar


    2 years ago

    Hi, Thanks for your response. We are running version 7.12.7

    Ctrl + Click still does not allow you to remove the device, (there is no cross present, just the nae given to the device.

    I do not have cookies disabled in either google chrome or Edge.

    Please advise. Many thanks

  3. saeed member avatar

    Helfertech Provider

    2 years ago


    We verfied the both issues on same SuiteCRM version and they seem working for us. Please see below video for reference.

    Can you please share your system details/credentials on [email protected] so that we could investigate for you.

    Looking forward. Than kyou.

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