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#3437 - Creating a case does not tag the case to the originating contact.

Closed Bug? created by eam 3 years ago

When you create a case the case is saved with the id of the originating contact. However, if you look under that contact the case does not display.
The other two relationships appear to be properly linked: The account id is also properly saved in the case record. The case does appear under the account. The originating use id is also properly save in the case record. The case does appear under the originating user.

  1. newbagan member avatar

    Yathit Provider

    3 years ago

    Thanks for report. When creating a case from Extension with sender/recipient as Contacts, the Case should link to Contacts, and if Contact has Account, it should link to the case as well. When I test here, Cases is also appear in Contact sub-panel.

This case is public. Please leave out any sensitive information such as URLs, passwords, etc.
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