by MokasIT

Experts in Excel export. An export to Excel from any list, report or subpanel of SuiteCRM.

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#5215 - License can not VALIDATE in Suitecrm 7.4

Closed Installation created by a year ago

License can not VALIDATE in Suitecrm 7.4

  1. coosithub member avatar

    a year ago

    The license can validate and a green check-mark is shown I open a Account Listview, and pressed the Excel xls export button of this plugin, then it shows jibberish symbol

    PK����ï0QXG’D²Z��ð�����[Content_Types].xml­”ËNÃ0E÷|Eä-Jœ²@5í‚ÂQ>°&#039;UǶl÷õ÷L’–—Ô@•nbEñ½gr=ãñtWëdƒ>(k 6Êr– V*³,ØÛâ)½cIˆ$hk°`{l:¹/öCBb VÅèî9¢ÂBfúRZ_C¤W¿äÄ –Èoòü–k"š˜ÆƃMÆ/Ä÷Jb2Ÿ¡&ßiÉ »ç(#?–<t†]0pN+‘ ç#QS[–J ´b]“$km®~â^cŒ Î#ÈP!ÆZgé‘<ÃÖ:&;rï2÷¨Ãy¼C˜)Û=¡R®ÐÿC§u›A~æaK­ÔúÖúÕ»µ«KÇÞ¬Y Êô:‰çÞºÀ 5¸�l’“(SG–è£ú:ö^¶°Ï‡› Qÿ“xH»&ðv>X?cÿôÿkÔð(_£§æ¸øÄ}÷>ÖÁÛkòPK����ï0QX¶78é���K�����_rels/.rels­’ÍjÃ0€ï{ £{£´…1F^Ê ·2²Ðlå‡$–±½-}ûy‡±ºÒÃŽ–¥OŸ„vûyÕ;‡Ø‹Ó°.JPìŒØÞµ^ê§Õ¨˜ÈYű†3GØWw»g)åšØõ>ªqQC—’DŒ¦ã‰b!ž]þi$L”ò3´èÉÔ2nÊòÃoT¦:Z áh· ê³ç[ØÒ4½áƒ˜·‰]ºÐyNì,Û•¹>¤>£j

    • MokasIT member avatar

      MokasIT Provider Affiliate

      a year ago

      Please clarify whether or not theSuite2Excel licence was successfully registered? Because in the case header you mention that the registration failed, and in the details you say that it succeeded, but it just doesn't export from Acounts Listview. Have you tried exporting from other modules in Listview?

    • coosithub member avatar

      a year ago

      If you have noticed from the case history, there are 2 (two) issues : 1. I have reported that this plugin couldn't validate at first, then after trying a few more times it can validate and did shown a : Success! (green color) But it doesn't show a button : "Continue", as usually happens in other plugin.

      1. The export has not been succesful, and create jiberrish.
    • MokasIT member avatar

      MokasIT Provider Affiliate

      a year ago

      OK. That is clear. One more question: Is this Iberrish symbol showed in all modules export or accounts only?

  2. MokasIT member avatar

    MokasIT Provider Affiliate

    a year ago

    Have You exported from another modules listview?

    • coosithub member avatar

      about a year ago

      Hi It doesnn't show any Export XLSX button at all now. May be your plugin works in Suitecrm version lower than 14 or 13. Thanks for your effort and communication. I might try this again in the future, but for now, I will quit the trial first.

    • MokasIT member avatar

      MokasIT Provider Affiliate

      about a year ago

      Suite2Excel works on SuiteCRM 7.13 and 7.14 realeses. Please after upgrade reinstall Suite2Excel and do repair&rebuild

  3. coosithub member avatar

    about a year ago

    If you examine carefully of the problem statement which I wrote above, it should be clear for you that the issue lies within the validation step.
    The validation displayed a "Success!" message (in green). However, it does not include a "Continue" button, which is typically present in other plugins that confirm completed validation.

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