This theme is based on SuiteP theme and was created by SpecINFO. SpecINFO theme offers users quick access to actions through the menu located on the left. It is responsive theme with modern 3D style.
#4831 - Comment Field in Demo
Hi Testing your Theme. I noticed a comment field in the demo in different modules like projects, and leads. How do I add this?
a year ago
The 'Comments' panel extends the functionalities of the SuiteCRM system with the possibility of placing comments under the records entered in the system. This is not part of the SpecInfo Theme. Thanks to this, comments are saved in the context of a given record, which can be a project, opportunity, account, contact, etc. Comments can be deleted only by authorized persons. The system automatically notifies by e-mail all people who have previously added a comment under a given record that a new comment has been added by another person. If you are interested in implementing this functionality, write an e-mail to [email protected]