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SuiteCRM Signature Field Plugin Add signature fields directly from the studio to allow your prospect to agree and sign your records. Add Signature fields on any Studio-enabled module (base and custom modules), and print it on the PDF templates !

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#5066 - Issues with 7.14

Closed Bug? created by cmultari Verified Purchase a year ago

I am running a test instance of SuiteCRM 7.14.1 with PHP 8.1 to help navigate my upgrade path. It seems like the signature field plugin is causing an issue with one of my custom modules. When I go to load the details view for my custom module containing the signature fields I am getting these errors, and the page does not load:

Tue Oct 24 19:52:42 2023 [1963][1][FATAL] Exception handling in /var/www/html/crm/include/MVC/Controller/SugarController.php:397 Tue Oct 24 19:52:42 2023 [1963][1][FATAL] Exception in Controller: Syntax error in template "file:/var/www/html/crm/cache/themes/SuiteP/modules/SR_ShopReports/DetailView.tpl" on line 1505 "{php}" unknown tag 'php'

When you open up the tpl file, line 1505 is the start of the Signature Field code:

{php} require_once('modules/SignatureFieldAddon/license/SignatureFieldOutfittersLicense.php'); $validate_license = SignatureFieldOutfittersLicense::isValid('SignatureFieldAddon'); if($validate_license !== true) { if(is_admin($current_user)) { SugarApplication::appendErrorMessage('SignatureFieldAddon is no longer active due to the following reason: '.$validate_license.' Users will have no access until the issue has been addressed.'); } ...

When I remove the signature fields from the detail view, the page loads with no errors.

  1. cmultari member avatar

    cmultari Verified Purchase

    a year ago

    Creating a new record using the Signature Field fails with the same error as well. The about page says it is compatible up to version 8.4, but it doesn't seem to be!

  2. idevit member avatar

    iDevIT Provider Affiliate

    a year ago

    Hello Chris,

    Unfortunately 7.14 introduced the upgrade of Smarty Templating Engine to v4 and it broke all the code using PHP tags inside the smarty template as the "php" tag is now removed.

    I tried of course to remove the licence validation code and the module itself need some PHP instructions to determine in case we have multiple signature fields. Even removing this block code led to others engine warning errors. The whole module would have to be rewritten from scratch to work under the new smarty engine.

    Unfortunately, the number of sales of the modules is about 0 for the last years so I don't plan to release a new version of the module for now. I have updated the internal listing system of SuiteCRM to reflect it should only work until 7.10 (latest version I officially tested and certify to be compatible)

  3. cmultari member avatar

    cmultari Verified Purchase

    a year ago

    I would be willing to purchase a new license for a compatible plugin.

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