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#372 - URGENT-Security Suite Not working properly in 7.8.3

Closed Bug? created by stephentew Verified Purchase 7 years ago

When we upgraded to 7.8.3 from 7.4, the search functionality changed from text field to a filter button. Since we have upgraded, the security suite plugin is causing the search to partially revert back to the old way. So we have textboxes and the filter button, but the filter button doesnt work. Please advise!

  1. eggsurplus member avatar

    eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

    7 years ago

    Can you attach a screenshot of what you are seeing in the comments here or email them to [email protected], please?

    Thank you! -Jason

  2. stephentew member avatar

    stephentew Verified Purchase

    7 years ago

    I emailed it

    • eggsurplus member avatar

      eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

      7 years ago

      Thanks for that. I suggest doing the following:

      • Go to the SuiteCRM directory on the server
      • Go to /custom/modules/Accounts/metadata
      • Rename searchdefs.php to searchdefs-old.php
      • Rename any sub-directories that may exist in that folder by appending something like "-old" to the end
      • In SuiteCRM go to Admin->Repair and run a Quick Repair and Rebuild

      If that loads as expected then add back in the fields as you had it in Studio for the search view. It should then work going forward. I doubt that the upgrade handled these custom layouts correctly. However, it should work once the layouts are reset.

      Let me know how this goes.

  3. stephentew member avatar

    stephentew Verified Purchase

    7 years ago

    If i uninstall the entire plugin, the search fields go back to normal. When I reinstall they are messed up again. Would that behavior still point to the searchdefs needing to change?

    • eggsurplus member avatar

      eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

      7 years ago

      Yes because the /custom/modules/Accounts/metadata directory would still contain those sub-directories. Renaming those sub-directories and then doing a repair/rebuild should do the trick.

  4. stephentew member avatar

    stephentew Verified Purchase

    7 years ago

    I renamed searchdefs.php and searchdefs.php.suback.php to _old. Ran the repair rebuild, rebuild relationships, and repair roles. The screen still appears the same, and the files in the folder were not changed

  5. stephentew member avatar

    stephentew Verified Purchase

    7 years ago

    How do I get the newest version of this plugin we are a few versions behind, and I think this might be the culprit

    • eggsurplus member avatar

      eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

      7 years ago

      Can you give me until Monday to bring all the recent SecuritySuite changes back to the 7.8.3 version that you are on?

    • stephentew member avatar

      stephentew Verified Purchase

      7 years ago

      That is fine

  6. stephentew member avatar

    stephentew Verified Purchase

    7 years ago

    After uninstalling, and reinstalling the newest version of the plugin, the site works. Thanks for all of your help

    • eggsurplus member avatar

      eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

      7 years ago

      Wow! Sorry that I didn't think of that possibility, but happy that you are all set now.

  7. stephentew member avatar

    stephentew Verified Purchase

    7 years ago

    This ticket can be closed

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