by Variance InfoTech Pvt Ltd

RecordCreator helps you create a related record from any module and define which fields should be copied over to the newly created related record. For example, if a user is on a Ticket record the use could create an Invoice record from that Ticket and copy over information such as the contact information or address.

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#3208 - Relate fields do not properly transfer over due to apostrophe

Closed Bug? created by JohnWreford Verified Purchase 4 years ago

First: I have a relate field called 'Accounts' in Module A. -> The field has the account ->Admiral's Academy When I select convert to Module B, the relate field In Module B becomes: Admiral's Academy

Second: Drop down menus do not appear in the field mapping. So only some fields are available and not all of them?

  1. JohnWreford member avatar

    JohnWreford Verified Purchase

    4 years ago

    Third, I am also having the same issue as #2951: Once Module A is converted to Module B. Both are using a relate field. Module B data claims that there is no matching field.

  2. varianceinfotech member avatar

    Variance InfoTech Pvt Ltd Provider

    4 years ago


    For Point #1 & #3 is it possible to share your CRM Credentials, FTP Details and Database Access if you don't mind?

    If yes then please share us on "[email protected]". So we can check it from our end and you will get quick solution.

    For Point #2, We didn't consider Dropdown Type field because sometime both Module Dropdown having different value so at the time of auto fill up value it's not auto populate.

    Regards, Variance Infotech PVT LTD

  3. varianceinfotech member avatar

    Variance InfoTech Pvt Ltd Provider

    4 years ago


    Let me clear one more thing, Related Record Creator addon configuration page having Target Module View option in Step #1.

    If you select the Popup then it'll show the Quick Create View Fields for Target Module in Field Mapping Step.

    Regards, Variance Infotech PVT LTD

  4. varianceinfotech member avatar

    Variance InfoTech Pvt Ltd Provider

    3 years ago


    Hope your issue has been resolved.

    Currently We're closing this Case.

    Regards, Variance Infotech PVT LTD

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