by NS-Team

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#3723 - Comma-delimited decimal values multiplied by 100 (with our without decimal separator)

Closed Bug? created by Ricardo Cairello Verified Purchase 3 years ago

When inputting decimales values like "12,34" (please do note the COMMA as the decimal separator) the stored value is "1234" (100x larger).

At first we assumed there was something wrong with the "regional settings" of the user and/or Android device, but after realizing it was rightly configured, we also noted something else: even if you input an INTEGER (say: "12") it stores "1200" (again: multiplying the number x100).

  1. bluquet member avatar

    NS-Team Provider Affiliate

    3 years ago


    We can't reproduce that problem.

    Could you please tell me - How that field is defined (can you show the vardefs or the definition in Studio) - What are that user's 1000s separator and Decimal Symbol


    • rcairello member avatar

      Ricardo Cairello Verified Purchase

      3 years ago

      I´ve included 2 field's definitions and 2 screenshots of the error being shown in QuickCRM ok?

      **1) **Original value of 70 in field, as typed by the user:

      enter image description here

      **2) **Field value multiplied by 100 in QuickCRM:

      enter image description here

      **3) **The Studio def. of such field:

      enter image description here

  2. rcairello member avatar

    Ricardo Cairello Verified Purchase

    3 years ago

    In case the links of the images above don´t work, I´ve included them again here for you, ok?

    Please note they´re @ Dropbox, maybe that´s the case for the images´ broken links.

  3. rcairello member avatar

    Ricardo Cairello Verified Purchase

    3 years ago

    Additional information as requested:

    Decimal Symbol: "," User's 1000s Separator: "."

    SuiteCRM Version: 7.11.13

  4. bluquet member avatar

    NS-Team Provider Affiliate

    3 years ago


    We have published a new version yesterday on App Store and Google Play.

    Could you please check if the problem was fixed?


    • rcairello member avatar

      Ricardo Cairello Verified Purchase

      3 years ago

      The problem IS FIXED! Thanks team! Great response!

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