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#2697 - Mautic and Suitecrm not Syncing Either way

Closed Installation created by Alex Robinson - Anamise Pty Ltd 4 years ago

Hi I have completed installation and token has been accepted. I have a near empty Mautic instance and a large database of contacts in Suitecrm. I was expecting the contacts in Suitecrm to be able to be seen in Mautic but they are not appearing. I tried to add the cronjobs to www-data user crons. I also manually ran the php -f cron.php from command line in the suitecrm folder. I haven't been able to see anything work. I added my log in to the cron.php accepted users in Suitecrm config file. It still doesn't work, www-data is in there by default. Could someone please trouble shoot with me. I have spent many hours trying to set up this integration tool and it hasn't worked.

  1. accounts7 member avatar

    If I run

    Alex@ip-172-31-7-200:/var/www/html/mautic/app$ sudo /var/www/html/mautic/app/console mautic:evolpe:sync PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php/20151012/' - /usr/lib/php/20151012/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 0 Evolpe Sync Start Count: 0 Evolpe Sync End

  2. accounts7 member avatar

    Alex@ip-172-31-7-200:/var/www/html/mautic$ sudo php app/console evolpe:sync:campaign PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php/20151012/' - /usr/lib/php/20151012/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 0 Mautic\PluginBundle\Helper\IntegrationHelper MauticPlugin\EVolpeMarketingAutomationBundle\Integration\EVolpeMarketingAutomationIntegration EVolpe Sync Campaign Start Count: 0

  3. accounts7 member avatar

    After adding a campaign

    Alex@ip-172-31-7-200:/var/www/html/mautic$ sudo php app/console evolpe:sync:campaign PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php/20151012/' - /usr/lib/php/20151012/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 0 Mautic\PluginBundle\Helper\IntegrationHelper MauticPlugin\EVolpeMarketingAutomationBundle\Integration\EVolpeMarketingAutomationIntegration EVolpe Sync Campaign Start Count: 1 Campaign ID: 1 add to queue sync

  4. accounts7 member avatar

    In Mautic contact section I created 1 contact. Later this message comes up. Notifications eVolpe Marketing Automation Integration There was an error encountered when trying to synchronize with CRM Today, 7:13 pm

  5. accounts7 member avatar

    I can confirm the Marketing Campaign I created in Mautic can now be seen in Suitecrm. No contacts are being shown in other systems though. Is there a php command I can use to force this?

  6. eVolpe member avatar

    eVolpe Consulting Group Provider

    4 years ago


    I forwarded that information to our development team. We will try to assist you as soon as possible and we will answer your questions.

    In the meantime, what version of SuiteCRM and Mautic do you have?

    Best regards, Maciej Jankiewicz eVolpe Support Team

  7. eVolpe member avatar

    eVolpe Consulting Group Provider

    4 years ago

    One more thing: what version of PHP?

  8. eVolpe member avatar

    eVolpe Consulting Group Provider

    4 years ago

    Did you follow these steps from the Configuration Guide ( Step 2: Connector configuration Step 4: Make sure if CRM job exists in crontab Step 2: Synchronize CRM records with Mautic ?

    Only records from modules that are in the Enabled column in Connector Settings will be synchronized with CRM to Mautic and only those with a regular email address in CRM.

    It would be good to check if the integration of a single record works. Please create (or resave) a record that has a valid email address and check if it appears in Mautic.

    Let me know what version of SuiteCRM, Mautic, PHP and integrator you are using.

  9. accounts7 member avatar

    PHP 7.0.32-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 (cli) ( NTS )

    Mautic v2.14.1

    Suitecrm Version 7.10.7 Sugar Version 6.5.25 (Build 344)

    Answer to Questions Step 2 Connector Configuration: Yes, I have a token generated. This took a long time to figure out because my Suitecrm Defualt URL pointed to the AWS webserver while I needed it to point to my domain name.

    Step 4: I believe I have set it up correctly, I pasted to both the www-data cron and my user cron and updated the urls to match where mautic is installed on my server.

    Step 2: If I press these buttons in Suitecrm it seems the page only refreshes but does not update anything.

  10. accounts7 member avatar

    I see your requirements for php are PHP: 5.6, 7.1, 7.3 As this does not include 7.0 I will try and upgrade php.

  11. accounts7 member avatar

    I tried upgrading php, the connector and mautic instance. It did not work. I might start a completely new server build. Could you please let me know the most reliable set up for the Mautic and Suitecrm setup. Ie. Operating System, Php version, crm version and mautic version. I will try 1 more time tomorrow on a completely new build to get this to work. It is very annoying as I have spent over a week trying to fix this and have had no success.

  12. eVolpe member avatar

    eVolpe Consulting Group Provider

    4 years ago

    "Step 2: If I press these buttons in Suitecrm it seems the page only refreshes but does not update anything." That's good (refresh the Administration page), then the job to queue for Mautic is queued.

    "It would be good to check if the integration of a single record works. Please create (or resave) a record that has a valid email address and check if it appears in Mautic." Did you do that?

    Step 2: Connector configuration ( after clicking the LINK inscription and confirming the connection with Mautic, instead of the red GENERATE TOKEN inscription there is the Token expiration date (screen 1. and 4. at this point in the documentation)?

    "Could you please let me know the most reliable set up for the Mautic and Suitecrm setup. Ie. Operating System, Php version, crm version and mautic version." • Operation System: Linux Ubuntu 18.04 (make sure that you have user who is owner for Apache2 configuration, mostly: www-data) • PHP: 7.3 • SuiteCRM: 7.11.12 • Mautic: 2.16.2 • Make sure for Mautic and SuiteCRM instances that all instance files and directories are assigned to www-data, in instance directory SSH: chown -R www-data:www-data . , and have correct permissions i.e. in instance directory SSH chmod -R 755 .

    "Also, would it work better if Suitecrm and Maustic instances are on seperate or the same server?" If it is possible on the same server it's good, if not, both servers must "see" each other for integration to work.

  13. accounts7 member avatar

    I have created a new server with a fresh installation of suitecrm ,mautic and php with the versions you described. I am at the step where suitecrm requires i validate the suitecrm/mautic liscence key, however the key is coming up as invalid. I assume this is because i already used the key on the old installation that did not work and this new installation is using new acounts. Is it possible for you to cancel the old setup somehow so i can move the key to this new installation?

  14. eVolpe member avatar

    eVolpe Consulting Group Provider

    4 years ago

    We need to connect each other in remote meeting. Did you have time tomorrow?

    • alexander.robinson member avatar


      4 years ago

      Yes, could you please meet up with us 12 midday Sydney time on the 30th of April 2020?

  15. eVolpe member avatar

    eVolpe Consulting Group Provider

    4 years ago

    30th of April is good day for us to meet, but when in Sydney is 12 in our country is 4am ;-) So maybe 5pm also will be good option for you?

  16. eVolpe member avatar

    eVolpe Consulting Group Provider

    4 years ago

    Problem has been solved.

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