Make life easier by reducing the need to flip between apps. If you are using Outlook Web App, Outlook 2013, or Outlook 2016 connected to Office365 or Exchange Server 2013 then be sure to take advantage of this email and contact synchronization add-on. Smartly links emails to your SuiteCRM records and keeps your contacts in sync.
#2438 - Cannot connect to crm
Gives me the below error message when i try to test for connetion to our CRM server. I am able to login normally but cannot through the plugin
Connection Failed
Connection Failed SugarInfo::Connect. AddIn version: GM.B.Sugar.Soap.SugarWrapperImplSoap: Connecting to as [email protected] Error initializing connection: The remote name could not be resolved: ''
5 years ago
Hi rockyp,
It looks like is not resolved from external network, The plugin runs on our server ( and needs CRM to be reachable from outside.
Regards, Max
5 years ago
thank you! that makes sense then.