by Simbanic

Enhanced PDF Template add-on allows user to generate a PDF for any SuiteCRM module.

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#960 - Cannot access Enhanced PDF Template's Admin Settings

Closed Bug? created by whitecoat 7 years ago


After installing your module and doing a quick repair, when I go to Admin -> Enhanced PDF Template all I see is a small blank window (see attached image).

Please advise.

  1. simbanic member avatar

    Simbanic Provider

    7 years ago


    Sorry for the trouble. We are not able to reproduce the bug. Please let us know which SuiteCRM version you are using?

    Thanks, Alpesh

  2. whitecoat member avatar


    7 years ago

    7.9.9 the latest zip file update works! Thank you for the support.

  3. simbanic member avatar

    Simbanic Provider

    7 years ago

    Please close the ticket. Thanks.

    • jason member avatar


      7 years ago

      Hi Simbanic,

      You can close the ticket by clicking on Edit and then change the status to Closed.

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