by Variance InfoTech Pvt Ltd

Need to show or hide fields or panels based on the value of another field? For this requirement Dynamic Panels is the perfect solution. The advanced configuration tools allow you to clearly define what should happen whenever a field value changes.

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#2701 - Changing License Key

Closed Installation created by nicw 4 years ago

Hello, I had a duplicate order of dynamic panels and may have used the license key for the now-cancelled order. How do I change the license key, please? Thanks & Regards, Nic W

  1. jessica member avatar


    4 years ago

    Hi Nic,

    Jessica from The SuiteCRM Store. We were emailing about this earlier today, so I will follow up with you about your license key via email shortly.

    Thanks, Jessica

    • nicw member avatar


      4 years ago

      Hi Jessica, I want to know how to change the license key in the module I already installed and entered the license key for in case I used the key from the cancelled duplicate order. Regards, Nic W

  2. jessica member avatar


    4 years ago

    Hi Nic,

    I'll respond here and via our email trail, just to be sure you get this.

    You should be able to go to the Admin page of your CRM and click on the Dynamic Panels section to update the license key (use key I sent in email to you).

    If you are still having issues after that, I'll loop the Variance InfoTech team back in to help.

    Thanks, Jessica

    • nicw member avatar


      4 years ago

      Hello again Jessica.

      If you go to the Admin page of the CRM and click on Dynamics Panels there is no location to update the license key. Which is why I’m asking this question ……. repeatedly now?

      I’ve had no problem with updating licenses with other modules I’ve installed …… just this one..

      Kind Regards, Nic W

    • jessica member avatar


      4 years ago

      Okay, makes sense, thank you. Responded to your email and looped Variance IntoTech in to help.

  3. nicw member avatar


    4 years ago

    Image 185.png

  4. nicw member avatar


    4 years ago

    I noticed the following error in the logs:

    Sun Apr 19 23:00:07 2020 [4458][1][FATAL] Mysqli_query failed. Sun Apr 19 23:00:07 2020 [4458][1][FATAL] Query Failed: SELECT FROM VIDynamicPanelsLicenseAddon b LEFT JOIN aod_indexevent ie ON (ie.record_id = AND ie.record_module = 'VIDynamicPanelsLicenseAddon') WHERE b.deleted = 0 AND ( IS NULL OR ie.date_modified < b.date_modified) ORDER BY b.date_modified ASC LIMIT 0,500: MySQL error 1146: Table 'c2nprop7_scrm.VIDynamicPanelsLicenseAddon' doesn't exist

  5. nicw member avatar


    4 years ago

    As this is a new install I changed the license key by remove, retaining tables and reinstalling and updating license key. So I have temporarily resolved the problem.

    • varianceinfotech member avatar

      Variance InfoTech Pvt Ltd Provider

      4 years ago

      Hello Nic,

      We're working on VIDynamicPanelsLicenseAddons table doesn't exist issue.

      We'll update you soon.

      Regards, Variance Infotech PVT LTD

    • nicw member avatar


      4 years ago

      Thank you.

      I'm seeing this in the logs (URL's' have been sanitized for security purposes) which may assist in your resolution further.

      Fri Apr 24 10:06:08 2020 [31627][1][FATAL] Exception handling in /home/THEACCOUNT/SUB.DOMAIN.EXT/include/MVC/Controller/SugarController.php:400 Fri Apr 24 10:06:08 2020 [31627][1][FATAL] Exception in Controller: DeployedMetaDataImplementation: $moduleName is not a Deployed Module Fri Apr 24 10:06:08 2020 [31627][1][FATAL] backtrace:

      0 /home/THEACCOUNT/SUB.DOMAIN.EXT/modules/ModuleBuilder/parsers/views/DeployedMetaDataImplementation.php(84): sugar_die('DeployedMetaDat...')

      1 /home/THEACCOUNT/SUB.DOMAIN.EXT/modules/ModuleBuilder/parsers/views/GridLayoutMetaDataParser.php(93): DeployedMetaDataImplementation->__construct('editview', '', Array)

      2 /home/THEACCOUNT/SUB.DOMAIN.EXT/modules/ModuleBuilder/parsers/ParserFactory.php(87): GridLayoutMetaDataParser->__construct('editview', '', NULL)

      3 /home/THEACCOUNT/SUB.DOMAIN.EXT/custom/VIDynamicPanels/VIDynamicPanelsAllModuleFields.php(26): ParserFactory::getParser('editview', '')

      4 /home/THEACCOUNT/SUB.DOMAIN.EXT/custom/VIDynamicPanels/VIDynamicPanelsAllModuleFields.php(20): VIDynamicPanelsAllModuleFields->getFields()

      5 /home/THEACCOUNT/SUB.DOMAIN.EXT/custom/VIDynamicPanels/VIDynamicPanelsAllModuleFields.php(120): VIDynamicPanelsAllModuleFields->__construct()

      6 /home/THEACCOUNT/SUB.DOMAIN.EXT/include/MVC/Controller/SugarController.php(1020): require_once('/home/THEACCOUNT/...')

      7 /home/THEACCOUNT/SUB.DOMAIN.EXT/include/MVC/Controller/SugarController.php(468): SugarController->handleEntryPoint()

      8 /home/THEACCOUNT/SUB.DOMAIN.EXT/include/MVC/Controller/SugarController.php(373): SugarController->process()

      9 /home/THEACCOUNT/SUB.DOMAIN.EXT/include/MVC/SugarApplication.php(113): SugarController->execute()

      10 /home/THEACCOUNT/SUB.DOMAIN.EXT/index.php(52): SugarApplication->execute()


    • varianceinfotech member avatar

      Variance InfoTech Pvt Ltd Provider

      4 years ago


      We've released new version of Dynamic Panels on Store.

      You can download latest release from store. It'll cover your License Update issue.

      Regards, Variance Infotech PVT LTD

    • nicw member avatar


      4 years ago

      Thank you. I'll upgrade shortly.

    • nicw member avatar


      4 years ago

      That worked. Thankyou!

    • varianceinfotech member avatar

      Variance InfoTech Pvt Ltd Provider

      4 years ago


    • varianceinfotech member avatar

      Variance InfoTech Pvt Ltd Provider

      4 years ago


      Shall we close this Case?

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