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#4533 - Duplicates sequence numbers being created

Closed General Question created by jmarsh Verified Purchase 2 years ago

If two users attempt to use the same feature at the same time, a duplicate sequence number is created and saved.

  1. cm_sugar member avatar

    CM & Sugar Provider Affiliate

    2 years ago

    Can you explain the actual flow? Is it done by two users or any interfaces calling SuiteCRM? Do you have some screenshots from every step? Please send to [email protected].

    It is possible that one sequence can appear two times during record creation, yet it is going to be regenrated during save action to avoid conflicts. If by any chance the save actions happen at the same time, your described issue can pop up. SuiteCRM does not support true locking and transactions.

  2. kmarshall member avatar

    jmarsh Verified Purchase

    2 years ago

    This has been resolved in a timely and effective manner. Roger was a great help and followed through.

  3. kmarshall member avatar

    jmarsh Verified Purchase

    2 years ago

    Please close this.

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