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#543 - Error while batch archiving emails

Closed Bug? created by kent Verified Purchase 7 years ago

We experienced a bug while archiving many emails from a folder in Outlook See image of error here: What is causing this error

  1. suitecrm member avatar

    SuiteCRM Provider Affiliate

    7 years ago

    Hi kent,

    Is it possible if we could ask you to send your Outlook DEBUG logs (logs set at DEBUG level) during replicating the issue to our support email address outlook[at]salesagility[dot]com referencing this Ticket #543 and we'll investigate.

    • SuiteCRM Outlook Plugin Team
  2. Simon_Brooke member avatar


    7 years ago

    OK, part of this is fairly straightforward, The OutOfMemory error is just that - the PC on which Outlook was running didn't have enough free memory to serialise the attachment.

    The 500 errors are more difficult to diagnose; they represent a failure on the CRM server. I'm guessing that the locale for your server is Norway/Bokmål, in which case it could be an internationalisation issue. Version 3.0.9 includes some improvements on internationalisation provided by your countryman Andreas Ravnestad; however, I doubt they would fix this particular issue. Are there any features of the mails that didn't archive which distinguished them from mails that did? Did they contain characters which are not in the US ASCII character set (yes, we are supposed to be supporting UTF-8, but it's a possible are of problem)?

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