There is an issue related to changing the user count that we are working with the store to resolve. For now, we have manually added the two additional user licenses so you should be able to activate them now.
It looks like you are trying to load the Teams module zip file to SuiteCRM as an extension module. The Teams zip file should be installed on Microsoft 365
There is no need to unzip the file. Please ask your IT admin to follow the instructions at:
and select the zip file as is.
If your user account has also a system admin privileges, then he's considered an administrator as well. Please check the permission on the SuiteCRM server. There is nothing on FrontEnd side that would limit logins of non-admin users. You can also check the server log to get more information on the specific error.
Please send the log file "C:\ProgramData\Implicit\Implicit FrontEnd\SyncAddinTrace.txt" to [email protected]. Please include your license key and indicate what the issue is.
This is not a support case. If you have questions about how the system works, please contact [email protected], include your license key and request advanced training.
There is a drop-down list of accounts when creating a new contact. You just need to start typing the name of the account and FrontEnd will display possible matches.