by cyborgsolution

Workflow Email action with Dynamic PDF Template Attachment

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Workflow Email action with Dynamic PDF Template Attachment

    Dynamic PDF Template attached to Email Template in Workflow 

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.” Albert Einstein

Sending Emails using Email Templates in workflow is great, and you can have a static attachment with email template to be sent to customers BUT do you need Dynamic Content in Attachment just like the Email Template?

Is your team wasting too much Time on Sending Quotes and Writing Emails redundantly by following standard process in SuiteCRM, by choosing Email PDF or Email Quote action in Quotes Module, and then Composing an email to send it?

Are you tired of exporting PDFs, reviewing and attaching them to Emails manually?

This plugin will help you SAVE TIME by automating the redundant task of Saving PDFs and then attaching them to emails in order to send them to clients. Simply create a Workflow and choose Email Template & PDF Template that would be added as a Dynamic Attachment to the Email.

STORE Setting Workflow options.png

Once the conditions trigger, your customer shall receive not only a Customised Email, translated by email template, but the PDF Attachment with their Custom details.

STORE Email With Attachment Received.png

Use this Smarter Workflow to automate your task of Sending PDF Attachments to clients and save time to concentrate on serving your customers better.

if you have more questions or need to discuss any customisations per your requirements, please schedule a meeting to discuss.

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